What sets us apart is our ability to integrate new, cutting-edge technology with the best traditional tunneling techniques and methodologies for each given circumstance.
SENER provides comprehensive tunnel engineering services from initial planning and design to construction management. Our team of highly specialized tunneling engineers and geotechnical and construction management experts routinely develop innovative solutions to solve the most complex underground challenges.
We bring expertise in all the key design areas involved in a tunneling project including geotechnical, lining design, numerical modelling, structures, systems, signaling and communications, traction power, systems integration, ventilation, Fire & Life safety, testing and commissioning.

Our construction phase services maximize compliance and critical project milestones while minimizing affects to existing infrastructures and historical buildings by utilizing real-time risk control assessment and 24-hour monitoring of tunnel boring machines, continued analysis of excavation parameters and technical assessment and tool replacement.

SENER has delivered complex solutions to tunneling projects throughout North America, including the Guadalajara Metro Line and Mexico City – Toluca Commuter Rail in Mexico, the Chesapeake Parallel Thimble Shoal Underwater Tunnel in Virginia and the Palmdale-Burbank section of the California High Speed Rail.